Founder’s Desk

It gives us a great pleasure to invite you to take an initial peek into the heart that beats behind the appealing façade of APJ COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND COMMERCE. We thank you for your interest and confidence shown in our new institution which has a vision of growing in Pune’s education hub. We come with a vision to enable our students to excel in the competitive exams of Science & Commerce with an eye on their board exam.

We, Parents, have apprehension about our child’s career growth, we at APJ will be guardian to your child and will work with him in the journey of his education and act as an enable for his success.

– Mrs.Ayushi Mohagaonkar & Mrs.Prachi Sambarey


We run the organization on the three basic principles

· Sustainability
· Accountability
· Transparency

            We strongly feel “Education is the acquisition of the art for utilizing the acquired knowledge”. The most important goal of the education is to create self-sustaining individuals. Those individuals are eventually going to help in creating an ideal society.

            We, at A.P.J College of Science & Commerce, offer students a combination of opportunities, environment and experience along with the academic curriculum to meet this goal.

            We envision a new style of development for our students, which aims at recognition of brilliant, vivid and exceptional kids across all strata of our society. We are aiming to inculcate ancient Indian values in our budding talents.

            We proceed on liquidity to charity and committed to community. Focus is always placed on a child’s strengths and approach from the point of view of what a child can do rather than what they cannot do.

We are doing this honest attempt through our MORSEL FOUNDATION to best of our ability to meet the expectations.

“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
– William James, Philosopher